Since July of 2000 the Library has been moved to its own new three-floor building, which takes up 2500 m2 total area and its construction and accoutrement was funded by the B' K.P.S. ( 3.3 Meter , Infrastructure, Educational Equipment, Activity 3.3b Libraries - 75% funded by European Union and 25% by national resources).
The aims of the Library are in accordance with those of the Institute. Thus, the Library is trying to contribute to the intellectual and social development and progress of students and the academic staff. This is achieved through collecting material and information, establishing the conditions that enable the immediate access to the collection and encouraging the proper use of material available in this Library, as well as of material found in remote sources. The Library is trying to meet the educational and research needs of students and the academic staff; the information needs of the administrative staff for the accomplishment of their work; as well as the information needs of other research, scientific and professional groups.
The books and magazines which are located in the Library cover the broad areas related with the subject of the faculties of the Institute, while they are observed some literary excerption and material of general interest (psychology, philosophy, religion e.t.c).
The Reference section is on the ground floor while the Lending section on the 1st floor.