The reference collection consists of general encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, biographical sources, audiovisual sources, directories - catalogues, government documents, manuals, handbooks, serials, journals' indexes, journals' abstracts, geographical sources, maps, yearbooks, almanacs, reports, reviews, standards, tables, statistics. This collection also includes material that though it does not belong to the above categories, it is regarded as reference material, because of its extensive use or its high price.
According to the regulations of the Library, the users are not entitled to borrow any of the reference material for external use; however, they may explore and search for information or photocopy it upon request. Only in specific cases, users can borrow this material for a very short period of time.
In the reference section of the Library there is also the appropriate equipment for the use of the audiovisual material like television, dvd player and projector. Moreover, 8 personal computers provide internet facilities to students and other members.
Lending section
The library material loan is permitted only to the Library members. The Lending section provides material, which covers all the subjects of the Institute's faculties as well as a general collection of books (referred to literature, psychology, philosophy, religion etc.)
Most of the Library material is written in Greek, English and German language. However, there are books of a limited number in other languages like Italian, French e.t.c.