Αλφαβητικός Κατάλογος
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 Τίτλος περιοδικούΕκδότης
Les Cahiers du Conseil ConstitutionnelDalloz
Lab Quarterly, The [Laboratorio di Ricerca Sociale, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali]Unspecified
Laboratory investigationNature Publishing Group
Labour and management in development journal National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University
Labour EducationWorkers' Education Branch of International Labor Office
Laissez-faire: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias EconómicasUniversidad Francisco Marroquín
Lámpara de Diógenes. Revista semestral de filosofíaUniversidad Autónoma de Puebla
Language and LiteracyQueens University
Language DesignGranada Lingvistica
language@internetHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Language, Learning and TechnologyNational Foreign Language Resource Center
Lateral: A Journal of Textual and Cultural StudiesSchool of English, La Trobe University
Latin American applied research = Pequiso aplicada Latino Americana = Investigacion aplicada LatinoamericanaLatin American Applied Research
Law and Contemporary ProblemsDuke University School of Law
Law and Politics Book ReviewUniversity of Maryland
Law, environment and development journalInternational Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)
Law Library JournalAmerican Association of Law Libraries