Computer and Internet Facilities

We are pleased to offer to our members access to a variety of electronic resources. For this purpose a number of computers are available in the Reference section. The available computers are to be used only in a manner supporting the educational and research mission of the Technological Educational Institution of Serres.

These guidelines apply to any member of the library community who is using the computer and internet resources. Users should carry their library card at all times and leave them at the librarian desk.

Acceptable Use

Clients may use library computers to access the following resources:

  • Local applications (eg. Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader) or other educational applications
  • Web sites to gather information for educational use
  • Licensed electronic resources including, but not limited to, databases, e-journals, the Library's reference collection.
  • Other Library Catalogues
  • Email

Unacceptable use

Users may not use the computers and the internet facilities of the library for other purpose other than educational. Unacceptable use of the Library's computing and internet access facilities includes, but is not limited to:

  • Destruction of, or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the library
  • The use of peer-to-peer file-sharing software including, but not limited to, Kazaa, BitTorrent, eDonkey
  • The use or/and installation of instant messaging/chat apllications including, but not limited to, MIRC, Windows Messenger,Skype etc.
  • Display of offensive or inappropriate material. This can include, but is not limited to, pornography, hate sites, gratuitous violence and sites using frequent, highlighted offensive language
  • Playing games, gambling, or dating/match-making sites
  • The violation or attempted violation of any computer network's system security or unauthorised access to any other network or computer system
  • The violation of the privacy of individuals or entities that are creators, authors, users or subjects of the information resources.
  • Unauthorised reproduction of material protected by copyright, or use of audio-visual items in which copyright subsists, without permission
  • Inappropriate use of email services, such as spamming
  • The use of software or automated robots, such as website crawlers, harvesters or offline browsers, to systematically download content from websites


Members who are not conforming to the rules above may be excluded from computer and internet facilities for a period (2 months).