No Library material shall be removed from the Library until its issue has been properly recorded by a member of the Library staff. The library card must be shown each time one borrows library material.
Materials borrowed shall be returned within the stipulated loan period. Members with overdue books may not borrow new ones until they return the old books and pay a fine. An over due charge of 0.30 euro per day per volume will be collected for returning the books after the due date borrowed by them.
The borrower is responsible to note the length of the loan period. The borrower is responsible for his or her loans until borrowed material has been returned and deregistered.
Books given for loan may be renewed for a further period provided no other reader has reserved the same. A member can reserve a book which is on loan, by filling a prescribed form available at circulation section.
The Librarian reserves the right to recall any books from any member at any time.
Category |
Number of Books |
Loan Period |
All regular teaching staff | 3 | 30 days |
Officers (Non-teaching) | 3 | 15 days |
Students | 3 | 15 days |
Erasmus students | 3 | 15 days |
Other members (residents of Serres) | 3 | 15 days |
Students working out their diploma thesis may borrow 5 books for a loan period of 20 days. In this case, an application is required to be fulfilled and signed by their supervisor professor.
Furthermore, students who live permanently away from Serres may borrow books for the whole summer period, in order to work out their diploma thesis. In this case, an application is required to be fulfilled and signed by their supervisor, before June exams.
Loans can be extended up to twice if the material has not been reserved by other library users. Books may be renewed by telephone (23210-49265) or by showing one's library card to Librarians.
Fines, at rates determined by the Librarian, will be charged on overdue items.
A reader who damages or fails to return any material shall be liable to pay the cost of replacement or repair, at the discretion of the Librarian.
The Librarian may withhold Library facilities for any infringement of these Rules. In exceptional circumstances the Librarian may exclude from the Library any person whose behaviour is prejudicial to the proper conduct of the Library.